综合杀料 > 高手解料


2014/12/2    作者:    来源:网络转载    阅读:1777








3.老总,见信好。女友康复差不多,相带她到香港游玩一下,冲冲不佳晦气。但是对香港不太熟悉,不知道去九龙一带,还是山顶登高望远?还是到迪士尼游乐场,或者到沙田一睹赛马盛况?望老总给些好的建议,感谢并祝创富各位编辑身体健康,平安是福!红字胆大包天  史酷比


4.老总叔叔你好。我接触六合皇三个月了,我还是新手一个,我上个月加了创富六合贴士网会员。谢谢老总叔叔的好料,上期信箱红字胆大包天真是劲,我就想到是好色猪。可是天意弄人运气不好我主买32和08-20买要44,怎么说都会不中我也开心,因为我能有这个福气能看到这么好的料,是我一生中最行运了。第一次来信请叔叔回我的信给我高兴一下,好吗谢谢。祝六合皇贵报红红火火。老总心想事成。日日开心。信箱红字《三皇五帝》暗码。07-19-34-47. 小燕子


5.第二次去信希望被登出,有了第一次去信就有第二次了,虽然不太会作业但是让我更敢去信了,老总的红字很给力,我希望能加入刘鑫会员能看到更多正版料,给你写信运好的话能登信还能中特码,现在我想问问怎么加入。第二次写信,有哪里不对望你别见笑,能不能登倌不重要,只希望你能告诉我怎么加入六信会员!望回信。谢谢您!红字:胆大包天。   尾班车

尾班车,现在可以电邮到以下网址查询简易入会法:[email protected].你的名字很有意思,只是不能第一时间,到最后也上到车,总比上不到好。

6.敬爱的老总:您好!连续写了几十封信都不见报,倍感失落,今次来信不为别的,只想问下老总一个问题:就是在群中的好友《风中的枫叶》《六合常中》登都能在久不久就上一次报,而我写了这么多封都没上过一次报?群中好友都笑说我是"样衰,人蠢“,并且要在写信的时候穿上一件红衣服才能有机会上报,请问老总是不是有这样的事啊?希望老总能让我上报转转运。好了。就此搁笔!祝:万事顺利红字:三皇五帝 掌柜的伙计



The six letter:
Win success immediately upon arrival, Agam, Scooby Doo, the little swallow, the last bus, the shopkeeper dude, everybody is good!
1 Dear manager, hello! On Saturday we company internal personnel transfer results will be announced, each of our staff are very anxious heart, hope oneself can smooth promotion, but the reality may not be 100 percent fit everyone's mind, the survival of the fittest. Promotion demotion, there is inevitable, but I always believe this sentence: opportunities for those who are prepared, ferial toe high gas Yang, blindly arrogant colleagues let's see. Is the Luo son is horse out Liuliu know! Mister, what do you think? Students hoped that Mister lucky words, can be smoothly promoted! I wish the boss good luck in everything, the most favorable auspices. The scarlet letter: audacious in the extreme. Win success immediately upon arrival
Win success immediately upon arrival, in fact, the office is a microcosm of society, survival of the fittest is the hard truth, are equipped with perfect test comes, do not be afraid of.
(a corner of iceberg, True gold does not fear fire, gold: Since the boss Deng let him into the wish will win success immediately upon arrival, a code of 1 gold)
2 Dear boss: hello! See the stir bead, unique and open 44, clearly know poker Q is 12, just bought a sheep Shaw, is missed, but! Listen to the boss said official members have better data available, it is the reader's gospel, expect! Mister, I do not know to go after the letter written in traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters reading convenient mister? I wish the boss to work happily, relaxed mood, thanks to the boss! The scarlet letter: audacious in the extreme. Agam
Agam, that's right! Many of the most irritating when catch code, this period is not open the next open, he often lost confidence that, it is their eyes to see clearly, rather simplified can.
(this letter is not the point: 44 sheep Shaw)
3 the manager, see the letter. Girlfriend rehabilitation phase almost, bring her to Hongkong to play, in poor luck. But Hongkong is not too familiar with, do not know to go to Kowloon, or the top of the hill and take a long-term perspective? Or Disney amusement park, or to the Sha Tin see horse racing event? Wang boss gave some good advice, thank you and wish you health wealth editing, peace is a blessing! The scarlet letter bold Scooby Doo.
Scooby Doo, congratulations on your girlfriend rehabilitation, not to the racecourse, many people crowded broken and noisy, suggest you go to Kowloon shopping, do some shopping!
(hotch potch) Long She
4 the manager uncle hello. I contact Liuhe Huang for three months, I was a rookie, I added the Liuhe daily tips comwork members last month. Thank you, Mister scarlet letter uncle one, the previous box boldly innocence is boring, I think is lecherous pig. But Providence lane person bad luck my Lord to buy 32 to 44 and 08-20 to buy, how to say I will not happy, because I can have this blessed to see such a good material, is my life the most lucky. The first letter please uncle back to my letter to me happy, please thank you. I wish Liuhe Huang your thriving. Mister xinxiangshicheng. Every day happy. The scarlet letter "Three Sovereigns and five emperors" mailbox password. 07-19-34-47. swallow
The little swallow, it seems that you are the kind of small bet, does not damage the health wise, can join the wealth website is a blessing, good luck will follow.
(note that this letter has a doubt: it is no to 44 (already on the diagram), estimate the boss changed to the letter word for attention, so as to guess the right 44 certainly there must be a code number 44. "In the twelve zodiac represent pig. Porcine +44 flat)
5 second letter to want to be logged out and have the first letter to you second times, although not too will work but let me more dare to believe, Mister scarlet letter is to force, I hope that I can join the Liu Xin member can see more genuine material, write to you good will ascend this transport the letter also, now I want to ask how to join. The second time to write, there is no hope you don't laugh at me, can not board the groom is not important, only hope you can tell me how to join the six letter membership! Hope to hear from you. Thank you for your! The scarlet letter: audacious. Last train
The last bus, can now email to the following URL query simple membership method: [email protected]. your name is very interesting, is not the first time, finally also to the car, is better than not to good.
(better than some, better off than many (intermediate): the landing of the letter to the letter to win, plus membership, Mister nature will not be ill treated him, intermediate Zodiac 06 cattle, 6 snakes, 25 ma. Last train (tail pig last code 44.49?)
6 dear boss: hello! Continuous wrote dozens of letters do not appear to feel lost, this letter is not for anything else, just want to ask a question: is the boss in the group of friends in the wind "Maple Leaf" "Liuhe often" Deng can in the long on a newspaper, and I write so much all had not been a newspaper? In the group of friends laughed and said I was a "kind of bad, people are stupid", and you want to write when wearing a red dress to have the opportunity to report, ask the boss is there such a thing? Hope the boss can let me report to transit. Good. I'll say goodbye! I wish: everything the scarlet letter: the Three Sovereigns and five emperors shopkeeper dude
The shopkeeper dude, can not drop people Xianyan, since such, Mister this time let you Lulu face, feel proud and elated, goodbye. Mister.
(can't let a person when the monkey, Mister this time put him in sixth place: snake OR?????????????????? Serpents the cattle)
Liuhe royal mail letter: Hero (is in the grass snake, or grass: the old cow eat grass, rabbits do not eat grass Waterloo, the horse night grass fertilizer, RAM ewe  grass. Or take to the Bush song

加解老总论码.....3. 5. 14. 17. 19. 26机会较大的号码:26.而不是全部选择偏向全部小号码,全部大号码(这6个数居中的必定是14.17号),而26.14都是蛇!


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